Home Inspection Schools - Courses and Training Options

Houses, new and old are required to adhere to certain regulation standards; the stipulations are in place to determine the safety and condition of a house. Students can work through training programs to become home inspectors. The different courses and training options available are usually offered through vocational home inspection schools.

Students can complete courses to learn the different procedures needed to inspect the components and structures of a home. The reporting process establishes the safety of a house's systems and tells potential homebuyers if everything is in compliance with codes. If anything is in violation it has to be fixed prior to anyone selling or moving into a house. The systems and features that are inspected and learned through courses and training options include:

  • Structural Quality
  • Roofing
  • Foundation
  • Heating and Cooling
  • Plumbing
  • Electrical Wiring

Professional work conducted is based on all of these factors. In order to be ready to take on the work needed many students work through a certificate program.

Vocational schools also offer associate degree programs. The same basic information is covered in both programs but students will have more job opportunities after completing an associate degree. Some associate degrees provide information that certificate program students learn later while on-the-job. Swimming pools and landscaping are topics that are often included in an associate degree program. Students can gain a better understanding of what education entails by researching the different courses and training options that schools offer.

The basic courses that cover the nuts and bolts of the industry prepare future home inspectors by familiarizing them with the career essentials. Inside a certificate program students will find courses that can include studies in plumbing, electrical systems and structure and roofing. The structures and roofs of houses are explored by first understanding the industry's guidelines. Weight and movement are the two main factors that students observe when comparing houses to regulation standards. Foundation guidelines, roofing materials, and weather damages are topics covered inside this type of course.

Training in electrical inspection includes the elements involved in electrical equipment. The terminology needed to understand how to inspect the electrical aspects of a home is also covered. The second half of a course like this has students examining the wiring and electrical outlets used. This information gives students the ability to know if any electrical equipment poses as a hazard or goes against code. Home insulation and ventilation guidelines are explored by teaching students to inspect crawl spaces. Radon gas and water deterioration are areas of concern that are reviewed inside the classroom.